Tie Aosheng came to Haikui and reached out to offer a jade symbol. It was an ancient jade symbol that slowly rose in front of Tie Aosheng. As soon as this jade symbol appeared, it immediately exuded a majestic atmosphere.

It’s a treasure once and for all, but it’s a jade charm that has the power to strike at the peak of the golden elixir. He has always been reluctant to use it, but today when he sees the bronze mirror, he has to do his best to kill Haikui and get it. What is

Talking with a famous force will push the debauchery out a distance of ten feet, saying that it is not soft and saying that it is not sharp, just like resisting the law. So wait for a while is stupefied in the same place

"I don’t think people can break!" Ye Lingfeng drifted down with a hearty laugh when debauchery became speechless. "Eldest brother, how can you!" At present, things are more and more incredible. This lake is full of fog and illusion. If it is not a map, few people in this world can break through this fog

How should I choose? Direct five-point gods meet each other? Or is it a seven-point god collision? Or do you want to talk about the yuan god regardless of the seven seven two nine points?

It is estimated that no one will give Sun Hao an answer to this question. The advantages and disadvantages of several cultivation methods are clearly placed in front of Sun Hao, and the combined power is actually the power of the witch family and town family. Many witch monks think that both can be used.

Suddenly …

He turned and grinned at her. "You’re right … it’s a pity to lose it. I regret it now … you go and help me get it back …" "But …" "How-? Don’t want to go Didn’t you say you like me very much? Not that you want to make me happy? Then go and

Longyou’s words are not very obvious, but the meaning is that I have made plans for my fourth year. After all, people around Longyou can’t be left behind by him! Rao is a small four and Longyou are like brothers. When I heard this, I couldn’t help my eyes reddening and my heart feeling excited.

"I know that I will learn more and watch more to help Longge be a big housekeeper!" Small four is not melodramatic. Longge’s future success will definitely not stop at this steel mill. What’s wrong with being a big housekeeper for Longge? Longyou heart stretched out his hand and lamented a small four’ chest’ mouth

"Now I can tell you what it’s like for you to choose the first Dugu Chunyang, and the three of you can still live. Second, stay here for 30,000 fighters and haven’t seen a woman for many days. I think they really want to try one!"

"Ha ha ha! Do you dare? " Flowing frost soon calmed down from a shock. Looking at the people around you, Lan Chenxi, Shen Yao, Su Mei, Miao Yun, Princess Muyu and Yin Frost Pavilion, all the masters are in a state. Now I can’t understand Ye Lingfeng’s ability to judge people. Everyone can kill