"Brother Xin, what do you say?" This is the voice of Tong Ya’s uneasiness. She originally planned to return to the earth quickly, but now it seems that it is not working. However, there are so many relatives on the earth! This is worrying.

"Boss, we need to know what they want to do? Is it a passer-by, a bad star, or do you want to be a local tyrant? " He Yuming whispered. Seeing the people staring at themselves, Tianxin began to sort out his own ideas. "Passers-by, malefic, local tyrants, they are all. Therefore, this group of

The title deed has been obtained, and Nolon took Margaret and Sue to meet the master and archbishop of Sivir Temple. The attitude of the other party was very friendly, and it was not long before the goddess of fate was established.

The construction of the temple was found by Sally princess royal to build a palace for the Beradia royal family. The royal construction team completed Nolon, which paid another magic crystal, but the elf god gave five million goods. Nolon said that I can still build several such temples. The small terran migration team is

Looking at her pear flower with rain, Li Min was very uncomfortable. She took out a clean handkerchief and wiped it, so she easily coaxed, "Silly girl, don’t cry. It’s not where will you go. I’ll bring you a gift."

"I don’t want a gift, I want you to come back early." "Don’t worry, come back as soon as you’re done." The young couple are very much in love, saying goodbye to Wu Dayuan. They are happy to see their eyes. They looked at each other meaningfully with their wives. They looked back with a

There is no doubt that Lin Tianxie himself killed more than a dozen players, clapped his hands and picked up three pieces of equipment to see if the properties are not bad. It can be sold at the prefecture level for two dollars.

"It’s a shame to let them attack you on purpose. You’re killing them, but it’s not your wind!" At this time, Li Yangyin entered Lin Tianxiao’s ear "The old generation hates arrogant people. If you have the strength to be arrogant, it will be a pile of garbage. If you are so arrogant, who can