At this time, Cang Lang grabbed Chen Xiaohan and said, "Captain, don’t be reckless. The guns are very close together. There are five people around the general. Even if the submachine gun fires, it won’t be so messy. I’m afraid there are not hundreds of enemies here. There are too few of us!"

Chen Xiaohan’s eyes glared angrily. "It is because there are many enemies that we have to rush over. The general’s life will be in danger at any time. I said, Sean, are you a bear?" Sean nu way "the somebody else dint we must someone to find xu’s adult, only with a few of us

The title deed has been obtained, and Nolon took Margaret and Sue to meet the master and archbishop of Sivir Temple. The attitude of the other party was very friendly, and it was not long before the goddess of fate was established.

The construction of the temple was found by Sally princess royal to build a palace for the Beradia royal family. The royal construction team completed Nolon, which paid another magic crystal, but the elf god gave five million goods. Nolon said that I can still build several such temples. The small terran migration team is

Orochimaru speaks amazingly.

"What?" "Before, I always thought that my talent was to study those forbidden arts and those unknown ninjas, but this time I felt that I was wrong and I was going in the wrong direction. I wanted to kill myself, but every time I succeeded, I would grow another head, and gradually I grew like

The digital artillery brigade and missile brigade of the regiment launched a man-machine to kill a Soviet mechanized infantry! Tigers don’t show their arrogance. They really think we are sick cats! "

Soviet Scud missiles continued to fall, regardless of whether they hit or not. Every missile hit was a sudden collapse. The lethality of Mao weapons was soaring, and the two iron forces in the Soviet Union, which had been waiting for a long time, tore up all the camouflage and fought like a flood from

"Be careful" Leona screamed.

Terhi’s feet moved and disappeared in situ. bang Black and red thick mushroom cloud broke through the four-layer pseudo-domain and rose in circles and circles, and the shock wave rushed out around, sweeping a large number of passers-by out of the distance, and the dust on the ground was washed up by this force for

Chapter 177 Fraternizing

Luo Lie coughed a few times and felt the pain in his body, but he was a tough guy. He didn’t show it in his face at all. He looked at Ye Qing’s determined face and said, "Today was an accident. I was ambushed. It’s just that I was too confident. I went to other